Shelby Trinkino, CFP®

Financial Advisor

Raised by a single mom, in the historic town of Concord Massachusetts, Shelby learned quickly the rewards of hard work. Awarded a full college scholarship, she graduated with a double major in Political Science and Public Law from Scripps College and Claremont- Mckenna College in California.

She started her career selling mutual funds door to door where she discovered her passion for building customer relationships and empowering others through financial services. Promoted to Regional Manager at MFS Investment Management at 26, she trained and coached financial advisors west of the Mississippi.

During the span of her career, Shelby has held senior positions in leading mutual fund and insurance companies including MFS, Columbia Management, AIG, and Metropolitan Life. After almost two decades of balancing life on the road with a growing family, she took the helm of a thriving independent financial planning practice in Littleton Colorado.

As a CFP® (CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Practitioner) and a fiduciary asset manager, Shelby is dedicated to a holistic approach to financial services, from investment management to estate planning. She delights in drawing on over 30 years of insights in the financial services field, choosing from an array of best practices to empower her clients. As Independent Wealth Strategies approaches its 10 year anniversary, Shelby feels honored to work with adventurous, charitable and purpose driven individuals and families.

For fun, Shelby and her husband enjoy global travel, visiting their grown children, skiing, reading, cooking, and enjoying nature from hiking to gardening.

Raised by a single mom, in the historic town of Concord Massachusetts, Shelby learned quickly the rewards of hard work. Awarded a full college scholarship, she graduated with a double major in Political Science and Public Law from Scripps College and Claremont- Mckenna College in California.
She started her career selling mutual funds door to door where she discovered her passion for building customer relationships and empowering others through financial services. Promoted to Regional Manager at MFS Investment Management at 26, she trained and coached financial advisors west of the Mississippi.
During the span of her career, Shelby has held senior positions in leading mutual fund and insurance companies including MFS, Columbia Management, AIG, and Metropolitan Life. After almost two decades of balancing life on the road with a growing family, she took the helm of a thriving independent financial planning practice in Littleton Colorado.
As a CFP® (Certified Financial Planner) and a fiduciary, Shelby is dedicated to a holistic approach to financial services, from investment management to estate planning. She delights in drawing on over 30 years of insights in the financial services field, choosing from an array of best practices to empower her clients. As Independent Wealth Strategies approaches its 10 year anniversary, Shelby feels honored to work with adventurous, charitable and purpose driven individuals and families.
For fun, Shelby and her husband enjoy global travel, visiting their grown children, skiing, reading, cooking, and enjoying nature from hiking to gardening.